Ari Avrahami was born in Bulgaria and moved to Israel at an early age. He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Technion Haifa 1964. After graduation he worked abroad in the Netherlands. Ari returned to Israel in 1967, he worked for Arch. Dan Eitan on the Tel Aviv Museum project.
In 1969 Ari moved to London where he worked for Sir Dennis Lasdun (Wolf Prize winner of Architecture) on the London university project - School of Education. Ari returned to Israel and moved to Jerusalem , where he opened a private practice. Ari collaborated with Sir Dennis Lasdan on the "Hurva" synagogue project in the Old City of Jerusalem, An unrealized project.
In the 1980s he concentrated on planning and design in a historical context, with a special emphasis on modern uses for old and antique buildings.
Over the many year of experience, Ari has established himself as one of the lead architects in the field of conservation and restoration of historical buildings including their planning for museums or other new uses.